Happy Days #3 | Blogging, Ballet class and Book day fun

Writing this post is a bit like free therapy for me today. I’m writing this on Friday evening and I’ve done that thing where I get so tired that I kind of lose all enthusiasm for life and genuinely feel like I’m incapable of basic things like cooking dinner and getting dressed. As I’m sure you can imagine, this is not really compatible with life as the main responsible adult for 3 children, so today was a bit of a struggle. But we made it (thank you YouTube Peppa Pig compilations). The girls have had way too much screen time today and I have eaten way too much chocolate. Oh well, everyone’s allowed an off day, we’ll make it up tomorrow. Right now I’m just going to write a list of happy things from this week and then crawl into bed (and hopefully wake up a new woman in the morning).

  • First of all some bloggy things. I’ve had some lovely comments on some of my posts this week, especially my Mother’s Day present conundrum post and it’s great to know that I’m not on my own with the Mummy guilt and hopefully inspired a few people to show themselves some love and give themselves a little gift on Sunday. I’m really loving writing this blog and it’s nice to think that maybe a couple of people like reading it too.
  • On Monday my Mum surprised me by coming to help with the absolute military operation that is taking Mabel to her morning ballet and tap class. Mabel absolutely loves it, and she looks so cute in her little leotard, but oh my goodness it’s a lot of effort to get her there. Dragging a buggy up four flights of stairs and then getting Mabel changed while keeping an eye on Greta, all of this with a baby strapped to my chest in a wrap, is not the easiest thing in the world, so it was great to have an extra pair of hands.
  • Ernie has been loving some tummy time this week. He’s really strong now and lifts his upper body right up and kicks his legs around, I’ve got a feeling he’s going to be an early mover like his sisters (lucky, lucky me). He can roll from front to back really easily now, which Mabel thinks is hilarious, but then he gets stuck trying to get himself back on his front bless him.
  • Of course on Thursday we had my world book day win. I loved seeing how happy Mabel was to be going to preschool dressed up, and she was extra excited when she got there because one of the teachers was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood too! Of course Greta had to dress up as well, so she put on her Cinderella dress to spin around the front room in.
  • The girls got out in the garden for a bit this week (yep, in their dressing up clothes) as it’s not been quite so freezing cold. Mabel’s only stipulation when we were house hunting last year was that she wanted a garden with grass in, so it’s great to see her getting to enjoy it. We were very lucky and the previous owners left a little play house and trampoline for us too, so they are basically living the dream when it comes to outdoor entertainment.
Thanks for reading, have a great weekend!
Quite Frankly She Said

8 thoughts on “Happy Days #3 | Blogging, Ballet class and Book day fun

  1. Great week! I’ve enjoyed your blog posts this week. Chocolate is a staple in my diet with an awake poorly 8 month old!! I ate half a packet of bourbons without realising I was doing it yesterday! Enjoy your weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah Ernie is so cute having tummy time! I hope today is a better day for you. I think we all have those awful days where you just have to get through it. I find writing certain posts therapeutic too! #HappyDays x


  3. We all have those moments where everything just feels like an effort. Thank god for Peppa Pig. I have a love hate relationship with her as she annoys me greatly but she also entertains H, which allows me that 5 minutes I need to finish off a cup of tea and have some “me time”. Have a good week #HappyDaysLinky


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